“It is not the healthy who need a doctor”

One thing we can learn from reading the Bible is that Jesus came for everyone. He also made it clear that we all have much to learn. “If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”

The question many of us ask is how does the Bible help us in our day to day lives? When we’ve had a bad day at work, and the dinner we cooked turned out lousy, and our kid is throwing a fit over not liking the cup we poured their juice into. How does the Bible help us?

When someone we love is killed in an accident or is diagnosed with an illness how does the Bible help us? Or when someone we love betrays us how does the Bible help us?

The Bible can help us in many ways, but we have to always be diligent about reading and studying. Something you read at age 18 may have a very different meaning to you at age 50. And what you need at age 65 may not be the same thing you need at age 32.

On this web site we hope to bring our day to day effort in Bible study to you so that we can all learn together. We will be having weekly discussions that we will post through a podcast and will occasionally be adding blog posts here about what we are learning along the way.